Removing Paint & Rust Made Easy with our Professional Sandblasting

Are you looking for an expert powder coater who can also offer professionalsandblastingservices?LooknofurtherthanRustylionsPowderCoating!Ourteam of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing high-quality anddurable finishes for our customers. With our sandblasting services, we canensurethatyourprojecthasaflawlessfinishthatwilllastforyearstocome.



1.  Improved Adhesion: One of the primary benefits of sandblasting is that itimproves adhesion. When a surface is sandblasted, it becomes rougher,providingabettergripforcoatingsoradhesives.Thismakesiteasierforpaint,powdercoating,orotherfinishestoadheretothesurface.


2.  ReducedMaintenanceCosts:Sandblastingalsohelpsreducemaintenancecosts by preparing the surface for coating or painting. The coatings adherebetter to surfaces that have been sandblasted, providing better protectionagainstcorrosion,rust,andwearandtear.


3.  Safer Work Environment: Sandblasting is an efficient way to removecontaminants like dirt, grime, and rust, which can be hazardous to workers.The technique also helps to reduce dust, which can cause respiratoryproblems.Thismeansthattheworkenvironmentissafer,healthier,andmoreproductive.


4.  Uniform Surface Preparation: Sandblasting ensures that the surface isuniformlycleanedandprepped.Thismeansthattherewillbenoweakspotsorareaswherethecoatingwillnotadhereproperly.


5.  Time-Saving:Sandblastingisafastandefficientmethodofcleaningandprepping surfaces. It saves time compared to other methods like manualcleaning,whichcantakeupalotoftimeandeffort.



Sandblastingservices  inNorthernNewJersey.Wespecializeincommercial

plus industrial applications, in addition to special designs and large-scaleundertakings. Our crew has the expertise and cutting-edge equipment toperfectlyapplypowdercoatingeverytime.



Ifyou’relookingforpowdercoatinginnorthernNewJersey,thereareseveralcompelling reasons to work with us. We have been in business for decades,are easily accessible, and take pride in our attention to detail. Simply contactusat3476138103/973459-8515!


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