3rd Edition of International Vaccines Congress

Magnus Group is thrilled to announce the upcoming “Vaccine 2023: 3rd Edition of International Vaccines Congress.” This HYBRID EVENT will be held from October 23-25, 2023, in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, with both online and onsite versions available.

The congress is centred around the theme of “SAVED: Spearheading Advancements in Vaccine Evolution and Development,” and aims to provide a meaningful platform for academic exchange. The conference will feature Plenary and Keynote speakers, multi-disciplinary workshops, Invited speakers, and a variety of poster presentations, along with oral presentations.

We cordially invite you to join us in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, for this exciting event, where you can learn and network while experiencing the beauty of the city. We hope to see you there in October 2023!

 Upcoming vaccine Conferences, Vaccines Conferences, Immunology Conferences, Vaccine Research Conference, Vaccines Conference, Immunology Conference, Vaccine Research Conference, Vaccine Research Conference 2023, Immunology Conferences, Immunology Conference 2023, Vaccine Research Conference 2023, Vaccines Conferences 2023, Vaccines Congress, Vaccines Conferences 2023,


Vaccines Conferences, Immunology Conferences, Vaccine Research Conference, Vaccines Conference, Immunology Conference, Vaccine Research Conference, Vaccine Research Conference 2023, Immunology Conferences, Immunology Conference 2023, Vaccine Research Conference 2023, Vaccines Conferences 2023, Vaccines Congress, Vaccines Conferences 2023, Vaccine Conferences, Immunology Vaccine  Conferences 2023, Vaccine Research Events 2023, Vaccine Research congress,Vaccine Development Congress , International Vaccines Conferences , Vaccines summit 2023, Vaccines meetings , Global Vaccines Summit, Vaccines & Vaccination Conferences 2023,Vaccine safety conferences, Vaccines & Vaccination congress , Vaccine congress 2023 , International Vaccines congress

Conference Full Name: 3rd Edition of International Vaccines Congress
Conference Short Name: IVC 2023
Conference Theme: SAVED: Spearheading Advancements in Vaccine Evolution and Development

Conference Venue: Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Conference Address: Hilton Boston/Woburn,2 Forbes Road, Woburn, Massachusetts, 01801, USA
Event Mode:  Hybrid Event: both onsite and online versions


Reach us at:
Contact Email: [email protected]
Phone:  1 (702) 988-2320
+1 (779) 429-2143
Dates:  October 23-25, 2023 
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Website: https://vaccinescongress.com/
Abstract submission: https://vaccinescongress.com/submit-abstract


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